Thank you for your interest and support for the BC One Health and Zoonoses Symposium!
The BC One Health and Zoonoses Symposium is a collaborative, interdisciplinary forum that provides an opportunity for professionals from across BC to gather, network, and learn about issues at the intersection of human, animal and environmental health. The symposium program offers a broad range of topics that are relevant to professionals from a variety of disciplines. The agenda for this event will be made available closer to the date and will be posted on this webpage and handed out at the registration desk.
This year's session was held on November 20, 2024 at the
Coast Langley City Hotel & Convention Centre and was also available by online webinar for participants who wished to view remotely.
Register to attend in-person at the Langley City Hotel & Convention Centre or via online webinar.
The symposium is made possible with the financial support of the BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food, and the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship, the Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System, Genome BC, BC Centre for Disease Control, and the Provincial Laboratory Medicine Services.
- Keynote address: Update on International One Health Landscape (PDF): Dominique Charron, Visiting Scholar in One Health, University of Guelph
- Chronic wasting disease in BC (PDF): Cait Nelson, BC Ministry of Water, Lands, and Resource Stewardship
- Vector update from Washington State (PDF): Elizabeth Dykstra, Washington State Department of Health
- Introducing the development of a BC inter-ministry One Health strategy (PDF): Theresa Burns, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food
- An overview of echinococcosis in Canada and the potential implications for BC (PDF): Anya Smith, BCCDC and Alessandro Massolo, University of Pisa and University of Calgary
- Bearded dragons, geckos, and snakes, oh my! Reptiles as a vector of Salmonella in Canadian enteric zoonoses outbreaks (PDF): Hannah Caird, BCCDC
- Detection of Novel Tick Rhabdovirus Circulating in Canada and Hitchhiking Ixodes scapularis on the West Coast (PDF): Kenning Tran, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
- Bridging the Gap: A Review of Social and Ecological Determinants of Health in One Health Research (PDF): Ryan Yazdani, Simon Fraser University
- Sediment surveillance for avian influenza in BC (PDF): Kevin Kuchinski, BCCDC
- Wild bird surveillance for avian influenza in BC (PDF): Chelsea Himsworth, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food on behalf of Shannon Russell, BCCDC
- From DNA to Decision-Making: Genomics in Wildlife Health Management (PDF): Kaylee Byers, Simon Fraser University
Zoonoses Symposium Program (PDF)
Keynote address: Health Communications in an Era of Pandemics (PDF):
Heidi Tworek, Canadian Research Chair, UBC
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome in British Columbia: Are Population Dynamics of the North American Deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus) driving cases in humans? (PDF):
Mayank Singal and
Quinn Stewart, BC Centre for Disease Control
Woven Together: The Power of Networks in Canadian Animal Health Surveillance:
Doris Leung, Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System
Raw Milk and One Health (PDF):
Erin Cuthbert, Office of the Chief Veterinarian
One Health Needs Assessment process in Washington State (PDF):
Beth Lipton, Washington State Department of Health
HPAI in mammals in BC: Genomic Epi Investigation of Wild Skunks and Tools to Assess AIV Public Health Risk Student:
Shannon Russell, BC Centre for Disease Control
Genomic Epi Summary of the HPAI outbreak during Wave 2 in wild birds and poultry:
Cassandra Andrew, UBC Student
Chronic Wasting Disease Management:
Erica Dong, SFU Student
From Virus Hunting to Vaccine Design; Steps to Prepare For Future Epidemics or Pandemics:
Nariman Shahhosseini, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
One Health and Wildlife Initiatives:
Damien Joly, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative
Genomic Epidemiology of the 2022 H5N1 Avian Influenza Virus Outbreak In BC And Yukon:
Shannon Russell, BC Centre for Disease Control and
Michelle Coombe, BC Ministry of Agriculture and Food
The One Health Toolkit: What Does This Look Like in The Face of COVID-19?:
Talia Strang and
Doris Leung, Canadian Animal Health Surveillance System and
Andrea Osborn, Community for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases
BC Trappers - A Valuable Resource Tool When Studying Animal Health Issues:
Tim Killey, BC Trappers Association
Zoonotic and Vector-Borne Disease Updates from Washington State:
Hanna Oltean, Washington State Department of Health
Characteristics of the urban sewer system and rat presence in Seattle:
Xiaocong Guo, UBC
Hands off the mink! Using Environmental Sampling for SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance in American Mink:
Ellen Boyd, UBC
Small Flocks and One Health:
Gigi Lin, Canadian Poultry Consultants Ltd
Passive Surveillance Reveals Human-Associated Causes of Bat Mortality in BC:
Kaylee Byers, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative
Human Rabies case in BC:
Paul Hasselback, Island Health
Salmonella Enteritidis outbreak associated with exposure to feeder rodents in BC:
Amalia Plotogea, Public Health Agency of Canada
- Comparison of antimicrobial resistance trends between companion animals and humans in BC
(presentation not available):
Laurel White, Simon Fraser University
Washington State zoonoses update:
Hanna Oltean, Department of Health, Washington State
- Trends in passive tick surveillance in BC:
Eva Weingartl, BCCDC and
Jason Nguyen, Simon Fraser University
Anthrax: animal health investigation and public health response:
Brian Radke, Ministry of Agriculture and
Jong Kim, Northern Health Authority
Detection of Asian Giant Hornets on Vancouver Island, BC:
Jane Pritchard, BC Ministry of Agriculture
Chronic wasting disease surveillance in BC:
Cait Nelson, BC Ministry of Forest, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development (FLNORD)
Bovine tuberculosis investigation in BC:
Nancy de With, BC Ministry of Agriculture;
Bob Cooper, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Human trichinosis case in BC from bear meat:
Pam Rydings, BC Interior Health Authority;
Amanda Anderson, BC Interior Health Authority
Videos from the 2018 Zoonoses Symposium
Disturbance and disease: A spatiotemporal approach to assess forest disturbance events and Cryptococcus gattii occurrences on Vancouver Island:
Emily Acheson, UBC
Brucella canis and imported dogs:
Carrie Flint, IDEXX Laboratories
Zoonotic pathogens in fish:
Michael Pawlik, BC Ministry of Agriculture
Zoonoses update from Washington State:
Hanna Oltean, Washington State Department of Health
Canine influenza in Ontario:
Maureen Anderson, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Salmonella Enteritidis: whole genome sequencing from farm to fork:
Marsha Taylor, BCCDC
Bats: Source of the next pandemic or clues to treating deadly viral diseases?:
Vikram Misra, University of Saskatchewan
Setting the stage: Climate change and health:
Craig Stephen, Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative
Case study 1: Cyanobacteria in recreational water:
Eleni Galanis, BCCDC
Case study 2: Wildfires – impacts on livestock health and production:
Chris Zabek, Ministry of Agriculture
Case study 3: Winter is Coming – Winter Tick Surveillance in BC:
Helen Schwantje, Ministry of Forest, Lands, and Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development
Tick paralysis in a robust elderly man with acutely progressive weakness, clumsiness, and ataxia -
Sylvain Lother, PGY5 Infectious Diseases Fellow, UBC
West Nile Virus in Horses -
Ann Britton, Ministry of Agriculture
Companion animals and street-affected populations in BC -
Doris Leung and Kelsi Jessamine, Community Vet Outreach
Insights into Hantavirus in Washington State -
Hanna Oltean, Office of Communicable Disease Epidemiology, Washington State Department of Health
The Vancouver Rat Project: The impacts of a common rat control method on the carriage of Leptospira interrogans by urban Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside -
Kaylee Byers, University of British Columbia / Canadian Wildlife Health Centre
Salmonella Enteritidis: whole genome sequencing from farm to fork -
Natalie Prystajecky, BC Centre for Disease Control
The Global Virome Project -
David McIver, Metabiota
- Case study: Norovirus in oysters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Eleni Galanis, BC Centre for Disease Control
Theresa Burns, Centre for Coastal Health
Charmaine Enns, Island Health
Natalie Prystajecky, BC Centre for Disease Control
Jackie Plamondon, Canadian Food Inspection Agency
Lorraine McIntyre, BC Centre for Disease Control
Marine mammal zoonosis: should you be concerned? -
Martin Haulena, Vancouver Aquarium and
Joseph Gaydos, Sea Doc Society
Local Environmental Observer (LEO) Network in BC - Dionne Sanderson, First Nations Health Authority