BCCDC offers several online courses on immunization through LearningHub.
The BCCDC immunization courses are available on the Provincial Health Services Authority (PHSA) LearningHub site and are only accessible to healthcare providers who work in British Columbia (BC) or provide care for patients in BC.
These courses are designed to help improve an immunizer’s knowledge, skill and confidence with respect to immunization delivery in British Columbia.
Google Chrome is the recommended internet browser for optimal viewing of the courses.
Please consult your health professional’s regulatory body as well as your employer who can advise you of respective requirements in order to safely administer immunizations.
For courses on LearningHub:
Help site: http://learninghubhelp.phsa.ca/
Account set up: http://learninghubhelp.phsa.ca/my-profile/set-up-a-learninghub-account
BCCDC Competency Help: CompetencyHelp@bccdc.ca