Follow your organizational policies and collaborate with the school to consider the best way to evaluate the CARD system in your setting.
Evaluation of the CARD system can be done in a structured manner such as completion of surveys by students, parents/guardians and the school staff. For instance as the students are waiting in the post-immunization observation area, they can complete a quick survey.
Feedback may also be obtained informally; however, this does not provide sufficiently detailed information to inform improvements in practice. Most people just say ‘it was ok’ to general questions. Ask specific questions, e.g., ‘Tell me how afraid you were from 0 (not afraid) to 10 (most afraid).'
With the school staff, evaluation can be completed in a form of debrief.
Public health staff can review the feedback of others (students and school staff) in a debrief session after the clinic. It is also helpful to debrief with the immunizers to better understand what worked well and how to improve the use of the CARD system for next time. This can inform future improvements to vaccination service delivery.
Evaluation is a crucial step in the CARD system as it would create opportunities for improvement and revisions of the current workflows.
The following survey templates can be utilized if your organization chooses to systematically evaluate the implementation of the CARD system in their school clinics. Note these can be adapted to meet your organization’s policies and needs: