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Hepatitis C: The Basics Online Course

Hepatitis C: The Basics is an online course available in English, French and Aboriginal versions.

​Hepatitis C: The Basics is a free, 30-60 minute, online course (non-credit).

The course covers:

  • basic information about hepatitis C, how it is spread, how to get tested
  • the steps involved to get treatment
  • 8 mini-videos on how to prepare for treatment
  • a side menu for easy navigation to the part of the course you want to see
  • pre-post knowledge check quizzes
  • a certificate when the course is complete

This course is designed to help people manage their self-care, whether they are at risk for catching hepatitis C, newly infected, or have lived with hepatitis C for many years. We have also heard from health care providers that it provides a good basic introduction and overview to hepatitis C for themselves and their patients.

To access the course

  1. Click here, then when the new window opens,
  2. Click "Register for credits"

The “Register for credits” allows you to move through the course. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate, but not official educational credits.

Aboriginal version

Hepatitis C: The Basics has been adapted and developed with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Partners.

To access the Aboriginal version click here.

French version (Hépatite C : Notions de base)

Le présent module d’auto-apprentissage vise à aider les personnes à gérer leur santé, qu’elles soient à risque de contracter l’hépatite C, nouvellement infectées ou qu’elles soient atteintes d’hépatite C depuis de nombreuses années. Voici les renseignements sur l’hépatite C traités dans le présent module : Faits au sujet de l’hépatite C; comprendre la transmission de l’hépatite C; tests de dépistage; si j’ai l’hépatite C, que se passe-t-il? On y traite également : De la recherche d’un équilibre; du traitement; de la vie après le traitement.

To access the French version click here

SOURCE: Hepatitis C: The Basics Online Course ( )
Page printed: 2025-03-26 . Unofficial document if printed. Please refer to SOURCE for latest information.

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