Hepatitis C: The Basics is an online course available in English, French and Aboriginal versions.
Hepatitis C: The Basics is a free, 30-60 minute, online course (non-credit).
The course covers:
- basic information about hepatitis C, how it is spread, how to get tested
- the steps involved to get treatment
- 8 mini-videos on how to prepare for treatment
- a side menu for easy navigation to the part of the course you want to see
- pre-post knowledge check quizzes
- a certificate when the course is complete
This course is designed to help people manage their self-care, whether they are at risk for catching hepatitis C, newly infected, or have lived with hepatitis C for many years. We have also heard from health care providers that it provides a good basic introduction and overview to hepatitis C for themselves and their patients.
To access the course
- Click here, then when the new window opens,
- Click "Register for credits"
The “Register for credits” allows you to move through the course. Upon completion of the course, you will receive a certificate, but not official educational credits.
Aboriginal version
Hepatitis C: The Basics has been adapted and developed with First Nations, Métis and Inuit Partners.
To access the Aboriginal version click here.
French version (Hépatite C : Notions de base)
Le présent module d’auto-apprentissage vise à aider les personnes à gérer leur santé, qu’elles soient à risque de contracter l’hépatite C, nouvellement infectées ou qu’elles soient atteintes d’hépatite C depuis de nombreuses années. Voici les renseignements sur l’hépatite C traités dans le présent module : Faits au sujet de l’hépatite C; comprendre la transmission de l’hépatite C; tests de dépistage; si j’ai l’hépatite C, que se passe-t-il? On y traite également : De la recherche d’un équilibre; du traitement; de la vie après le traitement.
To access the French version click here.