As of January 6, 2025, medical masks are required for health care workers, contractors, volunteers, and visitors in patient care areas in health authority-operated facilities, programs and services for the remainder of the respiratory illness season.
Patient care areas include any room or area where patients, residents or clients are actively receiving care. Patient care areas do not include:
- Areas not generally accessed by patients such as administrative areas or private offices
- Areas where care is not being provided such as foyers, hallways, cafeterias, spiritual and family rooms
- Areas where patients are not actively receiving care
Patients and the people accompanying them are also required to wear masks, if they are able, in emergency departments and waiting rooms, or if asked by a healthcare worker.
Healthcare workers must also wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including masks or respirators, when additional precautions are required and based on a point of care risk assessment.
You can also wear a mask or respirator based on your personal preference.