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Archived B.C. COVID-19 Data

On this page, you will find links to archived B.C. COVID-19 data.
Interactive data products on COVID-19 and other respiratory diseases continue to be updated and are available on the Respiratory Disease page:

Archived data and reports

The B.C. COVID-19 Dashboard was retired on April 20, 2023. The archived dashboard can still be accessed: B.C. COVID-19 Dashboard (retired)

Data files from the last update can continue to be accessed at:
Presentations from the Provincial Health Officer, Immunize BC and Ministry of Health on COVID-19.
Here you will find information about COVID-19 in the province including vaccination campaigns, epidemiology and modelling presentations, and public health measures.

Slides from September 28, 2023 press briefing
Slides from April 6, 2023 press briefing
Slides from November 16, 2022 press briefing
Slides from September 28, 2022 press briefing
Slides from September 6, 2022 press briefing
Slides from the April 5, 2022 press briefing
Slides from the March 10, 2022 press briefing
Slides from the January 14, 2022 press briefing
Slides from the December 14, 2021 press briefing
Slides from the November 4, 2021 press briefing
Slides from the August 31, 2021 press briefing
Slides from June 28, 2021 press briefing

Slides from June 10, 2021 press briefing

Slides from April 15, 2021 press briefing

Slides from March 11, 2021 press briefing

Slides from February 5, 2021 press briefing

Slides from December 23, 2020 press briefing

Slides from November 12, 2020 press briefing

Slides from October 5, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the September 3, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the August 13, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the July 20, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the June 23, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the June 4, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the May 4, 2020 press briefing

Slides from the April 17, 2020 press briefing
Slides from the March 27, 2020 press briefing

The COVID-19 Variants of Concern Report is now available on the Respiratory Diseases surveillance platform under:




Outbreak information for COVID-19 and influenza is on the Respiratory Diseases surveillance platform under:




Vaccine safety surveillance is conducted for all vaccines including the COVID-19 vaccines under a regulatory framework in BC. 

Find B.C.'s reports on adverse events 

‎An archive of the COVID-19 Regional Surveillance Dashboard provides data on cases, testing, test positivity and outcomes by vaccine status up to June 18, 2022.


The B.C. COVID-19 Dashboard was retired on April 20, 2023. The archived dashboard can still be accessed: BCCDC COVID-19 Epidemiology App

Note: The COVID-19 Situation Report continues to be available as an online interactive, data product on the Respiratory Diseases surveillance platform.




Please refer to the integrated Respiratory Diseases surveillance platform for most recent data.


Note: Beginning November 10, 2022, maps of COVID-19 cases by Local Health Area have been discontinued. Please refer to the integrated Respiratory Diseases surveillance platform for information on respiratory illness patterns across the province.

‎Cases by epi-week published weekly:

Cumulative cases, published monthly


The surveillance deck is a summary of COVID-19 related indicators that can help inform the pandemic response in British Columbia. 

  • Data up to November 12, 2021
  • This report is not updated regularly.

SOURCE: Archived B.C. COVID-19 Data ( )
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    Copyright © 2024 Provincial Health Services Authority.