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British Columbians warned of Salmonella infections

October 1, 2020 - Final Update: Outbreak of Salmonella infections linked to red onions imported from the United States appears to be over.
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A final notice issued on October 1 advises that the the outbreak appears to be over and the outbreak investigation has been closed. Onions imported from the United States are no longer under investigation. 

British Columbia (B.C.) was one of several provinces experiencing a Salmonella outbreak. The outbreak was linked to red onions, imported from the United States. During the outbreak, 121 cases were reported in B.C. in all regional health authorities.

A collaborative investigation identified that the contaminated red onions were coming from Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, California, USA and Thomson International Inc. recalled all varieties of onions that could have come in contact with potentially contaminated red onions. British Columbians were advised not to eat, use, sell or serve any red, white, yellow, and sweet yellow onions from Thomson International Inc., Bakersfield, California, USA, or any products made with these onions. Recalled products are listed on the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) website

There was no evidence to suggest that onions grown in Canada were associated with this outbreak.

B.C. collaborated with regional Health Authorities, the Public Health Agency of Canada, provincial public health partners, CFIA, and Health Canada to investigate the outbreak. Information about the investigation and food safety can be found on the Public Health Agency of Canada website

Salmonella infection causes symptoms including diarrhea, fever, and abdominal cramps that develop six hours to 7 days after exposure and usually lasts four to seven days. Most people recover without treatment. Children under five years of age and adults over 65 years of age, and people with weakened immune systems are more likely to have a severe illness. If you are experiencing severe or ongoing symptoms, contact HealthLinkBC at 8-1-1 or see your health care provider.

SOURCE: British Columbians warned of Salmonella infections ( )
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