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Anya Smith

Anya Smith is a senior scientist in enteric, zoonotic, and vectorborne diseases with Public Health Response at BCCDC. She is also a clinical assistant professor at UBC SPPH, and an investigator at BC Children’s Hospital Research Institute.


Dr. Smith has a notable interest in the animal-human interface and One Health. Dr. Smith's work at BCCDC will primarily focus on leading research in enteric, zoonotic, and vectorborne diseases to inform disease surveillance, prevention, and control. Other areas of interest and ongoing research include leveraging population-level data to inform the surveillance of children with select chronic conditions, including cerebral palsy.


Dr. Smith has a background in One Health and epidemiology extending over 14 years. She has a BSc in wildlife ecology and evolution from Simon Fraser University, and a PhD in veterinary medical sciences from University of Calgary focused on parasitology, and the epidemiology and molecular characterization of select enteric zoonotic pathogens.

Dr. Smith has been working as a public health professional and leader in BC for nine years. She most recently led respiratory virus surveillance in her role as Senior Practice Lead at the BCCDC, has led the development of provincial-scale pediatric health programs for select chronic conditions at Child Health BC and in affiliation with the BC Children's Hospital Research Institute, as well as provincial-level population health initiatives for the First Nations Health Authority. Dr. Smith has also worked internationally at KWR Watercycle Research Institute in the Netherlands on a team investigating a high-profile outbreak of Legionnaires' disease that occurred in Flint, Michigan.


For publication and citations, see PubMed

SOURCE: Anya Smith ( )
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