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Informed Consent for Immunization

Informed consent is an essential pre-condition to providing immunization.
It is the professional and legal responsibility of the provider to obtain informed consent prior to immunization. The intent of this informed consent standard of practice is to achieve a more client-centered, consistent, and expeditious approach. 

For the full process for obtaining consent to immunization, and the standard practice for obtaining consent for a vaccine or vaccine series, see Appendix A: Informed Consent for Immunization in the Immunization Manual.

Video scenarios

These videos demonstrate the process for obtaining consent for a vaccine series in various situations. Each video scenario reviews the seven steps in obtaining informed consent. These steps are: 

  • Step 1:  Determine Authority
  • Step 2:  Determine Capability
  • Step 3:  Provide Standard Information
  • Step 4:  Confirm Understanding of Standard Information
  • Step 5:  Provide Opportunity for Questions
  • Step 6:  Confirm Consent
  • Step 7:  Document Consent or Refusal 
The intent of the informed-consent process is to have the seven steps covered as part of a client-centered visit. These scenarios demonstrate the informed-consent process only. In actual practice obtaining informed-consent is not a linear process but part of a more fulsome conversation with, and assessment of, the client.  


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent at the 12 month immunization visit (May 2013).

ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent at the 2 month immunization. Parent has not reviewed standard information (May, 2013).


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent at the 2 month immunization visit. Parent has reviewed the standard information (May, 2013). ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent at the 2 month immunization visit. Parent has reviewed the standard information (May, 2013).


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent at the 4 month immunization visit (May, 2013).


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent prior to adult immunization visit. Client demonstrates the capacity to provide consent (May, 2013).


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals obtaining informed consent prior to adult immunization visit. Client does not demonstrate the capacity to provide consent (May, 2013).

ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals providing standard information about chickenpox (varicella) vaccine at the 12 month visit (May, 2013).


ImmunizeBC instructional video for health professionals.on Informed Consent for mature minors.


Vaccine consent forms




School immunization

Recommended vaccines for students:

SOURCE: Informed Consent for Immunization ( )
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